At Bramsdon & Childs Solicitors, we offer a full Landlord service to ensure that all your legal requirements are met.
Our landlord services include help and advice with:
- Drafting tenancy agreements
- Possession proceedings serving notices for possession
- Preparation and grant of long leases or commercial leases
- Leaseholder disputes
- Advice on Leasehold Valuation Tribunal applications
- Non-payment of rents and service charges
- Extensions and variations of leases
- Grant of leases

Get the conversation started. For legal advice you can rely on, contact us today.
Call: 02392 821251

Bramsdon & Childs is a partnership constituted under the laws of England & Wales. All Bramsdon & Childs partners are solicitors authorised to practice in England and Wales. Bramsdon & Childs is regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority in the United Kingdom (number 47593). Our professional rules are set out in the Solicitors’ Code of Conduct 2011, a copy of which can be accessed, in English, from the Solicitors Regulation Authority website click on the icon below.
Get In Touch!
Located conveniently for Portsmouth, Havant, Chichester, Fareham, Petersfield and the surrounding areas, contact us to find out more about our services and arrange an appointment.